Science and Other Drugs

….maybe a little less wrong….

What I Am

I’m a scientist, a libertarian, and a recovering apologist. I don’t like bad arguments, but I like explaining why bad arguments are bad. It’s probably my worst vice.

I was home schooled in a fundamentalist nondenominational Christian home by parents who genuinely cared about what was best for me and my two siblings. Then I went off to college and learned what the world was actually like. Meanwhile, my parents adopted a dozen or so teenagers from another continent….a course of action which, despite its positive intent, may have proven to be more challenging than beneficial. Every time I visited home, there was a different set of inhabitants; I recall learning about some of my new siblings over Skype.

At college, I dutifully began attending a local ex-Baptist-turned-Calvinist megachurch. Now, several years later, I find that I really, really dislike big churches. Well, churches in general, but particularly big ones.

I majored in physics, dabbled with computer science and math and history and graduate-level English, and taught writing and research. I picked up quite a few history and English electives, to the point that I ended up minoring in history.

The year I graduated, I married the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She, like me, was a recovering homeschooler-and-hyperconservative. We moved out west together and embarked on the greatest adventure of our lives….an adventure that was quickly made more adventurous by the addition of a baby boy approximately nine months and fifteen minutes after our wedding.

I’m a contractor for the federal government. I write fiction in my spare time. I enjoy celebrating the finer things in life, like single-malt scotch, rich craft beer, and Psych. I like explaining science, and I like explaining why bad arguments don’t work. Like I said, that last bit is probably still my greatest vice.

7 responses to “What I Am

  1. john zande 2013/03/25 at 09:14

    Recovering apologist… I like that 🙂

    • physicsandwhiskey 2013/03/25 at 11:48

      I had considered naming this blog “Different apology” or something along those lines. Because I’m now making apologies (in the common sense) for making apologies (in the philosophical sense).

      Thanks for commenting! I hope you enjoy looking around here.

  2. Argus 2013/04/03 at 01:11

    We all have our vices. Mine is my exceptional humility …

  3. monax 2013/04/16 at 14:32

    just discovered you via Samantha’s defeatingthedragons blog. . i like what i’ve read so far. . and we have much in common—from a fundi background to the appreciation of good beers. .

    blessings to your home!


    (( now following ))

  4. GetWithTheProgramPpl 2013/04/22 at 17:13

    Admired your comments on Ark’s post. Hence following! Respect!:-)

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